A Bad Association

Let’s play one of those word association tests, where you say one word and then you say what immediately comes to mind.

Halloween: Candy

School: Homework

Summer: Beach

Gingerbread: Christmas

Most of these comparisons were logical, right? But here’s where I disagree, Gingerbread:Christmas. Gingerbread are delicious cookies that can be decorated and made into a house or any shape, so why am I weird because I make them all year round? I don’t like sugar cookies, and I have over 200 cookie cutters, so why not make some gingerbread? Don’t be afraid to mix it up!

When feeling particularly daring, just forgo cookie cutters altogether, and try hand-carving shapes and characters. It’s more challenging and people will be extremely impressed. To do this, you can roll out the dough as big as you can and free hand it, look at pictures, print stencils, whatever you want to do. Just don’t limit delicious gingerbread to Christmas!

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