3 New things do with the cookie dough in your fridge

I don’t know about you, but I always have emergency cookie dough in my fridge. If I can manage to not eat it all raw, I usually just end up baking it into some classic chocolate chip cookies. But sometimes I get sick of just plain cookies; here are my favorite ways to shake up some cookie dough.

Cookie Bars
I’m not talking about just putting the cookie dough in a pan like it was a brownie, no, no, no. I’m talking about an Ice Cream Sandwich Pan! Grease it up and use wax paper to squish the cookie dough down, but it doesn’t have to be completely flat. Bake until they’re pretty dark on the outside, and enjoy! These cookies are a winner because they’re crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside, and will fit into a glass of milk for perfect dunking.

I’m sure you’ve seen pictures of Chocolate Chip Cookie Covered Oreos, right? Well I say, try it! They’re amazing and so easy to make. Take a super greased muffin tin, and put a spoonful of cookie dough in the bottom of each muffin cavity. Use a glass to push it down so it’s flat; then put your favorite kind of cookie on top. Add another scoop of cookie dough on top and throw in the oven until the top cookie layer is done, just try not to think of the calories!

Cookie Sandwiches
Sandwiches of any kind are my favorite, but add chocolate and I’ll go crazy. Two of my favorite ways to sandwich some chocolate chip cookies is with ice cream, and with marshmallow. I’m not going to lie, an ice cream sandwich is pretty unoriginal, but still delicious! Or try a neater take on a s’more; put the cookies with the oven on broil and melt the marshmallow on top of a cookie.

So aside from eating chocolate chip cookie dough straight up, try something new! What’s your favorite way to eat this american classic?

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