Embrace Fall with Autumn Cupcakes

I am in denial. Every morning when I wake up cold, I think to myself: maybe I set the air conditioning too high last night? But it’s all just a lie, because I know that it’s cold because fall is officially here. Don’t get me wrong, I love fall. Gingerbread, hot cider, Charlie Brown Halloween TV specials? Sign me up! I just need to embrace it and don a sweater, that usually works. And I’m thinking, some fall cupcakes couldn’t hurt either, right? So here we go, autumn cupcakes to embrace this new season.

Classic Pumpkin Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Buttercream

Well aren’t you just blown away by my creativity? I guess this isn’t very original, but pumpkin cupcakes cannot be passed up! They’re too fantastic. Now, I don’t make up recipes, but I am like your resident-on-the-internet recipe tester. I have tried several pumpkin cake/cupcake recipes, and I have found a winner for you. Really, it was for you. I wasn’t craving cupcakes like, at all.

So, I hereby recommend this Pumpkin Cupcake Recipe from the Novice Chef Blog (check her out she’s great). I tried this recipe a while back and it’s definitely a repeat because there is a good amount of pumpkin flavor without being too heavy or seeming like pumpkin bread. She also has a cream cheese buttercream recipe here, which I recommend as well. I usually use a little more cream cheese, but you’ll do fine with this one. She adds maple here and I mean, how would I have passed that up? So here we have it, pumpkin cupcakes with maple frosting: a classic, delicious, party-pleaser, fall treat.

Carrot-Cake Cupcakes will never let you down

Am I on a vegetable theme here? I guess a pumpkin isn’t a vegetable, but I feel like carrot cake and IMG_2142pumpkin cupcakes are similar. Oh well, they’re both wonderful and I wasn’t leaving either out of this list. Here, the recipe is very important for a good carrot cake. My mom likes one that has pineapple in it; but really I think that’s gross, pineapple gets all chewy. I use the recipe from the Mickey Cookbook from 1986, because Disney people do not joke around when it comes to food (any Mickey cookbook is great really, we’ve had them in my house forever and you can’t go wrong). I usually like to top mine with a smooth cream cheese buttercream and a couple of walnuts. Simple, delicious, and just the right amount of cinnamon for fall.

Apple-topped Cupcakes, do they count as eating fruit?

Probably not, but I’ll still feel good while eating this cute little things. Honestly I don’t even remember what kind of IMG_1701cupcakes these are, so that’s all you! It might have been some kind of apple cupcake, but really anything works here. So, make your favorite or most appropriate kind of cupcake, check. Then make your favorite or most appropriate kind of butter cream tinted red, check. Warning! Red is extremely hard to achieve and takes a good ton of red food coloring, green apples may be easier. Then you can take some pretzel logs or some sugar cookie Pringles Stix for the stem, and your gooey fruity strip snack of choice. I prefer fruit by the foot, but I think fruit roll-ups are easier here because of higher concentration of green, your call though. These are great because it’s relatively lazy decorating that looks like you spent a lot of time doing, win!