So I made a Minion Cake

Well hey there! Long time no see to all of you bakers out there. In the last few weeks I’ve learned that not only are Christmas and treadmills not friends, but Christmas and writing-about-baking are not friends! But that’s cool, because it’s a new year and I have plenty of new things to bake.

Last year (aka, December), not only did I bake up a storm for Christmas, but it was also my mother’s birthday. Not ideal for a baker, but you do not want to be slacking when making your mom’s birthday cake let me tell you. I’m sure you are familiar with those adorable Despicable Me movies, or at least the cute little minions that star in them. Who doesn’t love them? I was dying to make an improved minion birthday cake, the one I made for my brother was not my best work.

This was surprisingly easy to make, so I’ll give you some tips for making a one-eyed yellow sidekick.

  1. Only buy white fondant. This may sound like extra work, because tinting fondant can be a pain in the behind, but I have latched on to a new baking trend: spray color! Yes, I cut the white fondant for all of the pieces I need (eyes, clothing, mouth, etc.) and spray them with food coloring spray. It’s surprisingly easy, and saves you from having to knead in four different colors of food coloring. Just make sure you cover your counters, that stuff can be very messy.
  2. Keep it simple. The last minion cake I made, I tried to get too fancy and didn’t have enough time to make it work. This time, I only made the absolute minimum decorations and had time to make them look great. Simplicity will always look nice, so don’t be afraid to be lazy and skip those last few steps!
  3. Improvise. I always have to improvise, but initially the minion cupcakes weren’t a part of my plan. I had too much cake batter, so I decided to make cupcakes with it. When they came out perfectly round and adorable, I figured Why not make more minions? More minions is always a good choice. Have fun with your decorating and don’t be afraid to stray from your initial plans, who knows what you’ll come up with.

So here are my two tries, which one do you like better?