Cookbooks That Will Have Your Back


I’ve recommended some cookbooks in some other posts, but there are so many more that I haven’t talked about! Now that recipes are super easy to find on the internet, I think cookbooks are losing out which is really a shame. Sure, the internet is great for when you’re looking for a specific recipe, but the internet has given me some not-so-reliable recipes in the past. Cookbooks are great because once you find a good one it’s like having a loyal best friend, it will always be there for you and you know it’ll have your back. They are also great for when you don’t know what you want to make; I love flipping through my favorite cookbooks on a rainy day and finding something to bake. Unfortunately like the internet, there’s no way of telling if it’s good when you buy it. So for you I have picked my top six cookbooks, that are as precious to me as family photos (please note that this isn’t a particular order, just the order I’m pulling them off the shelf).

1. The Good Housekeeping’s Illustrated Cookbook (1980 edition)

I referenced this book for the 14 Layer Cinnamon Torte Post, and it is by far the most valuable cookbook I own. I won’t bore you with the same stuff I already wrote, but this book shows you how to do things with pictures and has everything. My mom and my Nana each have one that I was waiting to steal once they were um, “finished with them.” But I found out that you can get it on for about $0.01; so naturally I ordered a half a dozen. I have the 1980 edition, but I’m sure the later editions are great too.

2. Any Mickey Cookbook

Like I’ve said before, Disney knows what they’re doing when it comes to food. I actually have two Mickey cookbooks (and by I, I mean my mom): Cooking with Mickey Around the World and Cooking With Mickey Volume II.I’m not saying you have to get these particular books, I think any Mickey cookbook is going to have classic quality recipes. They’re really cute because it tells you which restaurant and which park the recipe is from. So next time you take a Disney vacation, maybe pick up a cookbook and your vacation can come home with you!

3. How to Squeeze a Lemon

Now I’ll be honest, I got this book and its partner as a gift and I haven’t really read this whole book and there aren’t any recipes in it. But this book is right up my alley because it tells you how to do almost anything, like the little things that cookbooks already expect you to know what to do. So if you’re new to cooking or baking, I’d take a look at it because it can translate some recipes for you.

4. Baking and Desserts

I don’t remember where I got this book but I do know that the spine is worn down from me staring at its beautiful pictures. Don’t you hate it when a cookbook lists a recipe for something without a picture? How are you supposed to pre-salivate over what you’re going to make if there’s no picture? This book just has a million things that I’m planning to make in it, and so far the recipes have come out really well.

5. Martha Stewart’s Baking Handbook

I couldn’t have a list of cookbooks and not include one of miss Martha’s now could I? I have a whole bunch of her cookbooks, but this one has the most post-its in it so clearly it’s the favorite. Martha has put enough pictures to make me happy in here, and the recipes are a good mix of classic desserts and new things to try. When I’m not sure what to bake, I always grab this book. There’s also a great section with references for what equipment to use and how to do some basic techniques.

6. Nestlé Toll House Recipe Collection

My mother and I have long since memorized the Nestlé Toll House chocolate chip cookie recipe because honestly I haven’t had a better chocolate chip cookie than that. This book also has the chocolate chip cookie pie which I love, and other fun things that all include chocolate; so of course it’s a win. This book is kind of old too and I don’t know if you need to go buy one, but just remember to keep an eye out for the Toll House recipes when you can because they are usually top notch.