A 14 Layer Torte That’s Better the Next Day

One of the most precious cookbooks that I own is the Good Housekeeping’s Illustrated Cookbook from 1980. My mom, my nana, my aunt, my great aunt, and I all have copies and are always on the lookout for more. It is a reliable book for all kinds of recipes, and has some things that I absolutely adore. One of those recipes is the Chocolate-Cinnamon Torte.


This torte is like nothing you’ve ever had before, and is fantastically delicious. The combination of chocolate and cinnamon is pretty unusual, and one of my favorites. This torte is made by stacking 14 giant thin cinnamon cookies with chocolate whipped cream; and tastes better after a day or two in the fridge. It’s great if you’re planning to have people over, but don’t have time to bake a dessert fresh on the day that they’re coming. The recipe recommends to make it a day or two in advance, with good reason. The cookies will soften into the whipped cream and the consistency improves after the fridge time; but good luck waiting to eat it for that day.

You can see the full recipe and how to make it here. Another reason this book is great is that it’s illustrated as per the title, and does a great job of showing you some trickier techniques. So next time you don’t know what to bake, give this a try! It’s a quick and easy recipe that will not disappoint.