Halloween Petit Fours and Spontaneous Baking

petitspumpkinsWhen I got home from work today, there were a couple of things that I was sure of. One, I was hungry; two, Halloween is on Friday; and three, I didn’t want to do my homework. So the clear solution for these three chunks of knowledge was clearly to bake something, but what?

Spontaneous baking is one of the best kinds; there’s no pressure! The only snag is that you may not have all of the important ingredients and you may have to make an emergency trip to the store (as I learned today). Gathered a bunch of my favorite cookbooks and I was actually having some trouble. I was going to make cupcakes, then I was going to make brownies, then I was going to make cake; you see my problem. Too many choices! I decided by accident to make petits fours, because they’re tiny and I could get creative for Halloween.


“Petits Fours” is french for “little ovens,” which make sense because these things are normally pretty small. Well I might speak french but I am definitely american, so I made some freaking big petits fours. Why not? Okay so I did make some that were bite-size, but I mostly made the cute shaped ones. It wasn’t as easy as I had planned, but I used cookie cutters as a guide to cut the cake out (the cake is really thin, there are two layers). The recipe that I used came from the Illustrated Cookbook, but I know Martha Stewart has a good recipe for these too. The recipes usually call for jam filling, but I think that combining jam and cake is just not right.petitspumpkins2

I was going to simply mix some melted chocolate and cocoa powder with marshmallow fluff, but save yourself the trouble and don’t get into that mess! It just turned into a marble-y ball of sugar that got stuck in my whisk; it tasted good though. So after that failure I just decided to make real fluff: meringue! So I fluffed up two egg whites and added some sugar and cocoa powder, it came out exactly how I wanted. For the frosting I kind of just eyeballed in some ingredients, but I’d recommend the Wilton buttercream recipe. Then decorate and enjoy! I made my cake coffee flavored, you can really pick whatever flavor and shapes you want, always a plus.