How to Eat Dessert for Breakfast

For some ungodly reason, someone once said that we cannot have dessert after breakfast. Every other meal is okay, but poor breakfast misses out (unless of course you count those milkshakes called “frappucchinos” at a certain coffee chain). But there are ways around this wrongdoing; you can eat pancakes covered in stuff, waffles covered in stuff, or fill your coffee with some nice dessert flavored sugar milk. All good plays, but I like to take it a step further.


The French do not have pancakes, if you go to France and ask for pancakes you will be met with crepes. Which is wonderful! But there are a few ways to eat these bad boys: 1) with nutella or jam and folded up so you can eat it on the go, 2)filled with some lunch-type stuff like ham and cheese (this is actually called galette), or 3) filled with fruit and chocolate and topped with whipped cream. While these choices are all delicious, only one fits the criteria for a dessert disguised as breakfast: option number 3!

So here we go, here’s a crepe recipe courtesy of Mr. Alton Brown (he’s a really reliable source for all kinds of recipes). The way to identify a good crepe recipe is that it should have as few and simple ingredients as possible, just some sugar, flour, butter, and egg. Anything out of that realm is gonna be some weird gimmicky one that’s not authentic. So prepare crepes as described in the recipe, you’ll need a good pan of whatever size crepes you want to be making.

Heat the pan for a bit, and then grease with butter. I usually use about a 10 inch pan, and I put in 1/4 cup of batter in there. Pick up the pan and swirl the batter around until it covers the whole bottom evenly. You should be cooking on medium-high heat, they cook really fast. If you want to be fancy, you can flip the crepe when it’s ready (when you check underneath and it’s starting to be golden brown), or you can use a spatula. The first crepe usually doesn’t come out good because of the butter in the pan, so don’t worry if it doesn’t look right. Your second one will be better I promise.

After you have a nice stack of them, you can begin eating! I’ve seen a lot of things put in crepes, but for a dessert them I’m going to recommend some nutella, strawberries, bananas, walnuts, and whipped cream. Dust some powdered sugar on the plate if you’re still trying to be fancy. Really you can put anything you want in a crepe, but I think for it to qualify as a breakfast-dessert you need to have at least one fruit or nut in there. But be creative! Crepes are delicious almost any way; now you can enjoy some nice dessert to start your day.

Chocolate Demi-Delights

Last week I challenged myself to be inspired by the French and make more individual desserts. Well, voila! Here’s my idea: take a fabulous chocolate mousse recipe, some demi-cupcakes, ganache, and nuts. I give you: Demi-Delights.


This isn’t so much a recipe as an idea that you can run with. You can use cookies, cake, torte, maybe even pie crust? And top it with a dallop of chocolate mousse, ganache or caramel, and something crunchy. Be creative! Here I used chocolate ganache and caramel, but some marshmallow topping with graham cracker bits would be delicious too. With the ingredients in your fridge you can put together something tiny and delicious to eat or share with some friends!