The snow is filling my fridge

When they know a storm is coming, most people tend to fill up their fridge with as much food as possible, and it gets emptier as the storm goes on. Well, not my fridge; I can’t stop cooking! Talk about getting stir crazy (pun definitely intended). As you may have noticed on Instagram, I have been cooking a lot more than I have been baking. It’s really weird, I very rarely get this into cooking, but I’m not going to lie, I really like it!

Baking is one of my favorite things to do, but cooking is much more fast paced, which I like. I always shied away from it because of the raw meat, but it hasn’t been that much of an issue. I have been cooking roasted chicken, paella, soup, sandwiches and pasta; I am learning most of it as I cook. I admit it, I’ve had some help from my Nana of course (she’s the cooking lady I look up to), but the training wheels are starting to come off. So while you may be missing some pictures of chocolate mousse and cupcakes (which I actually have made but not shown you), let’s cook a little!