Oktoberfest! Taste a new culture

October is a joyous time; you get to play dress-up, eat candy, drink beer, and eat pumpkin flavored everything! While Halloween is an American tradition that other countries have adopted in jest, America as we all know, has adopted many traditions from other cultures. Like Oktoberfest!

It’s a wonderful multi-day festival where you get to drink beer and eat pretzels. I went to the HarpoonO’Fest in Boston, there were over 23,000 people who showed up it was absolutely insane. Oktoberfest is a great way to enjoy some fall activities and experience another culture and cuisine. Pretzels and potato pancakes were at the top of my list, served with sour cream and applesauce. Potato pancakes were definitely new to me and I recommend them! Potatoes are delicious and pancakes are my third favorite food, so it was of course magical.

A festival about beer is a great way to learn about beer! There were many different kinds: IPA, Pumpkin UFO, Oktoberfest, cider, normally I wouldn’t try them. This gave me the opportunity to sample multiple kinds and be more adventurous, beer isn’t usually my top choice. So taste! Find a local tasting or Oktoberfest festival near you, it’s an experience you won’t forget with new foods and drinks to try.