Apple Picking and Nana’s Strudel Trick

I know I’ve expressed some distaste for fall, but that’s only because I hate the cold. Really, I love the changing colors, the pumpkins, and the food! Apple picking is one of the highlights of the fall, I mean look at these views! On a gorgeous fall day, it’s a great way to get outside, eat some fruit, and enjoy the season. The problem is, I like apple picking too much. I went with my sister this weekend, the orchard we went to had us buy a net bag from them first and then they sent us off picking. Well let me tell you how smart that was, we filled up that bag pretty freaking fast, and wanted to stay out picking apples. $46 worth of apples later, I realized I needed to find something to do with apples. I’ve already planned to make applesauce and  apple coffee cake, but my Nana thought it would be a good idea to make strudel.

Not to be confused with the crumbly topping streusel, strudel is a rolled up pastry that can be made with different fillings. Nana knows a thing or two about cooking and baking, and she was gracious enough to give a strudel crash-course. I was pleased to find out that it’s a fun thing to make, and beating the dough is a great way to get out any aggression or a great workout for your arms. Because her recipe was in an ancient book, I suggest you try this one; it only says to “knead the dough,” but Nana wants to let you know that you need to vigorously slap it around on the counter for it to be good.

Now the trick that can be found in this recipe and was shown to me by Nana, is to roll out the dough on a floured tablecloth. It seems kind of strange at first, but its an old and magical trick that can be used for all kinds of pastry projects. Instead of picking up the dough, simply pick up the end of the table cloth and lift it to roll the dough together. It’s mesmerizing, easy, and leaves little mess! Thank you Nana! Strudel is a delicious fall treat and it made me feel better about buying so many apples.