Cinnamon Apple Coffee Cake


I know two things: one, I hate peeling apples; two, I bought too many apples when I went apple picking. Seriously, my body is in shock from all of the unexpected apple-nutrients I’ve been consuming. So while I’m on this “health kick” (aka, streudel), why not extend it? This means that I’ve finished the strudel and didn’t have enough homework to keep me from baking. The result: Apple Cinnamon Coffee Cake!

So now my house smells amazing and I’ve used up a grand total of two apples. I used this recipe from and I am impressed. I made a couple changes, and am really happy with the results. I chose this recipe because I wanted something that had chunks of apple and that wasn’t a light cake. It came out very moist and it was exactly the kind of thing I was looking for.

Here are the changes I made:

1 tsp of cinnamon in the batter instead of 1/2 tsp. Ok so how much of a difference did this actually make? I’m not sure but I don’t think you can have too much cinnamon unless you’re taking a cinnamon challenge.

Walnuts! I added walnuts, because I couldn’t picture a coffee cake with chunks of apple and no crunch. I don’t know how much I added, maybe 1-2 cups chopped walnuts? You could use pecans too; I sprinkled some on top after I added the crumb topping too.
The crumb topping in this recipe was a little weird and not what I wanted. I didn’t even fix it, but I would just recommend to make the crumbs from my Coffee Cake Recipe (use a half a batch for this though).

The recipe originally called for an 8″ pan, but I was really feeling the bundt shape for this. You can really use whatever you want, just be careful not to go too big, or you’ll have to change the bake time or temperature.

*Tip* If you’re going with a deeper pan, set the oven about 50 degrees higher and cook longer. If you’re going shallow, just shorten the cook time. Either way, keep an eye on it because disaster can always strike!

This recipe came out great and I’d definitely make it again with different crumbs. And if you don’t end up liking it, your house will still smell amazing!