Christmas Gift Trick: Cookie Mugs

You may recognize Christmas as one of the most pleasant seasons of the year (or you may not, no pressure). But sometimes all of the merriment, gift-giving, cookie-baking, and decorating can start to really hurt your wallet. And that’s fine! I mean losing weight is good… right? Well, maybe not from your wallet; but you don’t want to be cheap (that’s not in the Christmas spirit!). It’s the thought that counts, not how much you spend. Yada-yada, I’m not going to get into it; I’m assuming you’ve seen at least one Christmas movie.

So how do you give thoughtful, quality gifts without starving your wallet? Christmas cookies! Okay, here’s what you have to do. Buy one holiday mug per person you want to give a gift too. They don’t have to be expensive, you can find nice ones at less-expensive stores that are perfectly good. Then, make as many cookies as you can in as many kinds as you want. Next, fill the mugs with the cookies! IMG_1855

It may sound simple, but a pile of cookies will brighten almost anyone’s day, and the mug will last as a gift that will sit in their kitchen for eternity! (I don’t know about you, but I never throw out mugs.) It helps if you can make a festive gingerbread to put on top, but really this one is all about what you can do. (Ignore the ones in the picture, they were festive but also a thank you gift for people.) To make it look more full you can throw in some bite sized candies too, or a hot chocolate mix! Then wrap them up in cellophane with a nice bow, and you have conquered the holiday gifts for your acquaintances, co-workers, and the people-who-you-aren’t-sure-you’re-exchanging-gifts-with-but-have-to-be-prepared-for-just-in-case.